Friday 22 July 2016

'Mary's Tree' at Tropical World, Leeds completed June 2016....45feet tall in beech, one of the largest single piece totem pole in the U.K.

Thursday 28 April 2016

'Calverley Angel' work in progress 2012

'Peloton' Otley 2014

                                          Transgender Memorial Sculpture, Manchester 2013

                                         Totem models 1990s
'Science & Technology' Prince Henrys Grammar School 2010

'Mother & Child' Birmingham 1986

Tarmac Topblock First Prize Winner, Royal Society of British Architects 1985

'Friendship Leaf 'Leeds 1993

Yorkshire Armed Forces Sculpture Trail, Baildon, West Yorkshire 2013

Transgender Memorial sculpture 'Butterflies' Manchester 2014

'Triathlon' European Chainsaw Carving Championships, Warwickshire, U.K. 2012

'Calverley Angel' West Yorkshire 2012

'Three Rs' in progress

'The Three Rs : Homage to the Wharfedale Press' Otley, West Yorkshire2012

'Cradle' Otley Chevin Forest Park, West Yorkshire 2008

'Still Life II' Birmingham 1986

'Still Life IV' Birmingham 1986

'Deer Family' Chevin Forest Park, Otley 2008

Monday 15 June 2015

'Yorkshire Armed Forces Sculpture Trail' 2014

'The Three Rs : Homage To The Wharfedale Press', Otley, West Yorkshire 2012

'Peloton' 10x4x1feet Yorkshire Stone...carved to celebrate the Tour de France coming to Yorkshire 2014.

'The Calverley Angel' 2012...seen here three years on.



Sculpture workshop, P.H.G.S. Otley year 10

'Yorkshire Armed Forces Sculpture Trail', Baildon ,West Yorkshire 2014

'Butterflies' Transgender Memorial Sculpture, Manchester 2014

'Triathlete' celebrating the 2012 Olympics success of Alistair and Johnny Brownlee....carved at the 2012 European chainsaw Carving Championships, Warwickshire. U.K.

'Yorkshire Armed Forces Sculpture Trail, Baildon , West Yorkshire 2014